Feeling Safe & Connected in School

How to understand and support Neurodivergent children in the classroom and beyond.

Feeling Safe & Connected in School

How to understand and support Neurodivergent children in the classroom and beyond.

Are you frustrated, knowing that your child's needs aren't being met at school?

Are you burnt out from endless advocacy that doesn’t truly change outcomes for for your child?

Are you worried that the school may even be harmful to your child's mental health? 

 A lack of understanding and limited resources has led to children's unique needs not being met.

The problem is that schools tend to focus on managing behaviours, not recognising the underlying message that behaviours convey.

Many known teaching strategies and approaches to support are inherently ableist, and parents want their children to learn in safe, neurodiversity-affirming spaces.

Children are suffering.

They don’t feel safe or connected at school. They are not learning. Even worse, their mental health is deteriorating. The numbers are startling. 

They appear to lack motivation and refuse to engage with the learning process.

Many kids spend hours outside of the classroom, and when in the room, everyone is on eggshells, waiting for the next explosion.

Some are isolated, have no friends, are prone to being bullied or bullying, and yet no strategies seem to help.

When we fail, children suffer. 

Teachers are overwhelmed by the diversity of needs in the classroom.

The need is high and the resources, few.

Support that is in place, isn’t always truly supportive and whole teams are left scratching their heads about how to help the students who need it most.

Teachers have a hard time teaching, because they have to manage so many challenging behaviours.

Teachers and support workers are left feeling hopeless and often quit because they are overworked and under-supported. 

So many questions...

How do we support all children ? 

How does support actually become truly supportive and translate into positive outcomes now and in the future? 

How can you help create truly inclusive school environments? 

How do we protect children’s mental health in educational settings?

Can learning about Neurodiversity help teachers to teach to ALL brains - and eliminate the frustration for both teachers and children?

What if learning to support Neurodivergent students better actually helped us support all students better?

Are you frustrated, knowing that your child's needs aren't being met at school?

Are you burnt out from endless advocacy that doesn’t truly change outcomes for for your child?

Are you worried that the school may even be harmful to your child's mental health? 

 A lack of understanding and limited resources has led to children's unique needs not being met.

The problem is that schools tend to focus on managing behaviours, not recognising the underlying message that behaviours convey.

Many known teaching strategies and approaches to support are inherently ableist, and parents want their children to learn in safe, neuro-diversity-affirming spaces.

Children are suffering.

They don’t feel safe or connected at school. They are not learning. Even worse, their mental health is deteriorating. The numbers are startling. 

They appear to lack motivation and refuse to engage with the learning process.

Many kids spend hours outside of the classroom, and when in the room, everyone is on eggshells, waiting for the next explosion.

Some are isolated, have no friends, are prone to being bullied or bullying, and yet no strategies seem to help.

When we fail, children suffer. 

Teachers are overwhelmed by the diversity of needs in the classroom.

The need is high and the resources, few.

Support that is in place, isn’t always truly supportive and whole teams are left scratching their heads about how to help the students who need it most.

Teachers have a hard time teaching, because they have to manage so many challenging behaviours.

Teachers and support workers are left feeling hopeless and often quit because they are overworked and under-supported. 

So many questions...

How do we support all children ? 

How does support actually become truly supportive and translate into positive outcomes now and in the future? 

How can you help create truly inclusive school environments? 

How do we protect children’s mental health in educational settings?

Can learning about Neurodiversity help teachers to teach to ALL brains - and eliminate the frustration for both teachers and children?

What if learning to support Neurodivergent students better actually helped us support all students better?

The Safe and Connected at School™ program will show you the way forward.

 We'll show you what is different about the neurodivergent brain and why traditional teaching methods  just don't work for them! You'll discover how to unlock their potential.
You will learn what challenging behaviours mean and how to support your child's learning and development effectively.
You will learn how to approach the school in a collaborative way so that your child's teacher understands and can help with your child's unique needs.
Leave the course feeling empowered not only with practical strategies, but new ways of thinking about how to support your child now and provide hope for the future. 

The Safe and Connected at School™ program will help you:

  • Understand what is different about your neurodivergent child's brain and what that means for how they behave, learn, and communicate—and how we can support this brain to thrive. 
  • Connect to your child's experiences, so you can truly respect, respond to, and learn from them about how they engage with and experience the world.
  • Think creatively about how you can help change the structures, spaces, places, and culture in your child's school to be truly accessible and inclusive.  
  • Access simple tools and strategies to help your child's teacher implement them in the classroom and other school spaces. 
  • Map and plan out a vision of inclusion, to benefit everyone in the class, not just your child.

The Safe and Connected at School™ program will help you:

  • Understand what is different about your neurodivergent child's brain and what that means for how they behave, learn, and communicate - and how we can support this brain to thrive. 
  • Connect to your child's experiences, so you can truly respect, respond to, and learn from them about how they engage with and experience the world.
  • Think creatively about how you can help change the structures, spaces, places and culture in your child's school to be truly accessible and inclusive.  
  • Access simple tools and strategies to help your child's teacher implement them in the classroom and other school spaces.
  • Map and plan out a vision of inclusion, to benefit everyone in the class, not just your child.

Module 1: Autism and the Brain

You learn about all the ways in which the autistic brain is wired and develops differently. You will see what those differences look like in day-to-day life and begin to understand ‘why’ you’re seeing what you’re seeing .

Module 2: Being Autistic

You learn what it may be like to be autistic and the coping strategies autistic and other neurodivergent children adopt to get by. We look at how this is an invisible disability, which means support needs are often ignored.

Module 3: Challenging Assumptions, Changing Behaviours

We challenge our own assumptions and explore the notion of not changing a child, but instead, changing the environment and  our own behaviours to meet a child where they are at, and offer support that is meaningful.

Module 4: Pathways to Safety

We look at the various ways in which children are primed for learning. We may have assumed that children turn up at school and are ready to learn, but it’s never quite worked that way for ND or stressed students.

Module 5: Classroom Strategies

Strategies that can be used in the classroom and focus on specific areas in which teachers and schools often need help supporting ND students. We look at transitions, motivation, learning disabilities, and more.

Module 1: Autism and the Brain

You learn about all the ways in which the autistic brain is wired and develops differently. You will see what those differences look like in day-to-day life and begin to understand ‘why’ you’re seeing what you’re seeing .

Module 2: Being Autistic

You learn what it may be like to be autistic and the coping strategies autistic and other neurodivergent children adopt to get by. We look at how this is an invisible disability which means support needs are often ignored.

Module 3: Challenging Assumptions, Changing Behaviours

We challenge our own assumptions and explore the notion of not changing a child, but instead, changing the environment and  our own behaviours to meet a child where they are at, and offer support that is meaningful.

Module 4: Pathways to Safety

We look at the various ways in which children are primed for learning. We may have assumed that children turn up at school and they are ready to learn, but it’s never quite worked that way for ND or stressed students.

Module 5: Classroom Strategies

Strategies that can be used in the classroom and focuses on specific areas in which teachers and schools often need help in supporting ND students. We look at transitions, motivation, learning disabilities and more.

You need this course if you:

...you are a parent of a neurodivergent child and are struggling with how to work with your child's school to get the most out their time in the classroom.

...are a teacher and want to better understand your students—secret: the changes you make for neurodivergent students will benefit ALL students in your class! 

....are a principal or district member of staff and want to be part of the change—the change that sees the culture of education shift to a fully inclusive one in which all students can thrive and learn in such a way that they reach their potential and bring their true gifts to the world.

...are a support person or tutor to neurodivergent students and want to understand them and their learning needs on a deeper level, so you can truly HELP and support them instead of 'band-aiding' the presenting challenges.

You need this course if you:

...you are a parent of a neurodivergent child and are struggling with how to work with your child's school to get the most out their time in the classroom.

...are a teacher and want to better understand your students – secret: the changes you make for neurodivergent students will benefit ALL students in your class! 

....are a principal or district member of staff and want to be part of the change – the change that sees the culture of education shift to a fully inclusive one in which all students can thrive and learn in such a way that they reach their potential and bring their true gifts to the world.

...are a support person or tutor to neurodivergent students and want to understand them and their learning needs on a deeper level, so you can truly HELP and support them instead of 'band-aiding' the presenting challenges.

This course will empower parents with the information, language, and specifics they need for targeted advocacy in educational spaces. It will also help teachers and support workers create a safe and affirming space in which neurodivergent students can thrive. 

Why should you trust me to guide you on this very important journey?

Tanya Kemp - Registered Clinical Counsellor; Registered Social Worker; MA Psych

I have been working in the field of supporting families with multiple and complex needs for 22 years. My career involved working with and in multiple agencies, including education, children’s services, children’s centres, and mental health services.

Currently in private practice, I specialise in the fields of neurodiversity and autism. I counsel, coach, and consult with parents in neurodiverse families, and I work closely with schools, either in a consulting role, or delivering group training as part of ongoing professional development. I have undertaken formal education in relationship development intervention, self-reg interventions, and practice in the foundations of neurobiology and trauma. I consult regularly with autistic adults to keep my work aligned with their lived experience. 

I am a mother to a beautifully neurodivergent girl, who has opened my mind and expanded my world in ways I never thought possible. 

My passion for this work lies not only in the reward of seeing children supported and thriving, but also in the world I want to help create. A world in which she and all other neurodivergent people are supported, seen, valued, and accepted.  

I'm grateful for the opportunity to teach what I have learned from studying, working, and LIVING in this field.

Why should you trust me to guide you on this very important journey?

Tanya Kemp - Registered Clinical Counsellor; Registered Social Worker; MA Psych

I have been working in the field of supporting families with multiple and complex needs for 22 years. My career involved working with and in multiple agencies, including education, children’s services, children’s centres, and mental health services.

Currently in private practice, I specialise in the field of neurodiversity and autism. I counsel, coach and consult with parents in neurodiverse families and I work closely with schools - either in a consulting role, or delivering group training as part of ongoing professional development. I have undertaken formal education in relationship development intervention, self-reg interventions, and practice in the foundations of neurobiology and trauma. I consult regularly with autistic adults to keep my work aligned with lived experience. 

I am a mother to a beautifully neurodivergent girl, who has opened my mind and expanded my world in ways I never thought possible. 

My passion for this work lies in the reward of seeing children supported and thriving, but also in the world I want to help create. A world in which she, and all other neurodivergent people are, supported, seen, valued and accepted.  

I'm grateful for the opportunity to teach what I have learned from studying, working, and LIVING in this field.

The Safe and Connected at School™ Program

The Safe and Connected at School™ Program

10 hours of instruction time (five modules and 22 lessons) empowering you with applicable knowledge and practical solutions to supporting / advocating for students.

Information presented through video, audio files and transcriptions.

Workbooks with reflection and learning exercises.

Summaries of key points in each lesson.

Additional resources with strategies that can be immediately implemented in your classroom and school.

 Resources to support an ongoing path for school and staff development . 

What are people saying?

James Kristoff
Integrated Support Teacher
North Vancouver, BC

 "The course content is both a harsh reality check on what some students are going through in the school environment, and also inspiring and empowering in what can be done to support. I’m walking away with a much deeper and much needed understanding and some practical tools to implement right away.

Mary Oswell
Elementary School Teacher, Surrey BC

"This is a course that every parent and every teacher should complete. We need to do better for disabled and neurodivergent students.

Jeff MacCallum
Principal Elementary School
North Delta, BC

 "Tanya’s expertise in autism and neurodiversity, combined with her passion for helping children succeed, resulted in two informative and productive sessions for my staff. Tanya provided practical solutions and strategies that can be used in classrooms immediately. Her emphasis on the critical importance of connection and compassion for student success are great reminders that most of the time, what works best for students with autism / neurodiversity, is what works best for all students. I know my staff took a lot away from working with Tanya and are looking forward to future opportunities to work with her again.

James Kristoff
Integrated Support Teacher
North Vancouver, BC

 "The course content is both a harsh reality check on what some students are going through in the school environment, and also inspiring and empowering in what can be done to support. I’m walking away with a much deeper and much needed understanding and some practical tools to implement right away. " 

Jeff MacCallum
Principal Elementary School North Delta, BC

 "Tanya’s expertise in autism and neurodiversity, combined with her passion for helping children succeed, resulted in two informative and productive sessions for my staff. Tanya provided practical solutions and strategies that can be used in classrooms immediately. Her emphasis on the critical importance of connection and compassion for student success are great reminders that most of the time, what works best for students with autism / neurodiversity, is what works best for all students. I know my staff took a lot away from working with Tanya and are looking forward to future opportunities to work with her again.

Mary Oswell 
Elementary School Teacher, Surrey BC

"This is a course that every parent and every teacher should complete. We need to do better for disabled and neurodivergent students" 

Get Immediate Access

Single Use - Parent/Professional

$300 CAD
  • For an individual parent or professional

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Multi-Use - 2 - 10 Participants

$547 CAD
  • For a group/school with up to 10 users.

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Multi Use - 11+ users in one organization

$847 CAD
  • For your school/ organization with 11 + users.

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This is really not the right training for you if you are focused on treating Autism/Neurodivergent 'symptoms' so students can behave, learn and communicate more like Neurotypical students. This training is for people who are able to respect different neurotypes, and are willing to make adjustments in all spaces so neurodivergent children have equal opportunities.

The training in its online format allows you to access each module and lesson in your own time and at your own pace. The accompanying workbook gives you short summaries and highlights key learning points to make it more easily digestible. We are all overwhelmed in the digital age with so much information being available to us - I get it. This is why I created the online format so you can take your time with the content. 

The underlying differences in the autistic brain, in particular, are universal. So while children may have different responses and ways in which they behave as a result of those differences, understanding the true underlying differences, as opposed to looking at surface-level behaviours, really changes the lens with which we see and then respond to students. So you will still need to think about your individual students as you work your way through the material and choose from the range of strategies presented in the course, to meet individual students' needs. But don't worry; as you learn more and understand more, you will feel much more confident about knowing how to respond. 

Every big change starts with one small action. You can make a difference to the students that come through your room, and the impact that can have on individual lives are massive. So, keep plugging away at doing better and creating change for ND students. You never know who is watching and who becomes curious and interested in following suit! 

Upon signing up, we will send you a username and password via email. This will allow you to access course materials right away. The course platform was chosen because of it's easy-to-follow user experience (because I too, am technologically challenged!). You won't need to do much else than to hit 'play' to watch lesson videos, and 'download' to get access to resources and workbooks. You've got this!

Do you have questions?  Please reach out!

Enroll in the Safe and Connected at School™ program and create meaningful change for your neurodivergent child.